Monday, May 24, 2010

When it's Monday, I'm grumpy.

I literally have to drag myself out of bed this morning. Been sleeping in for the weekend and the habit kinda grows on me. Decided to have mushroom soup for breakfast instead of the normal bread. Bad decision because it made me feeling sick and getting headache. Even a tiny little thing will annoy you when you're feeling sick. Trust me, the shining bright sunlight annoyed the hell out of me this morning. And that made me even more grumpier. The air con in the office doesn't seem to work for me. I felt hot and sleepy.

The real intern works start today and I'm assigned under Administration & Account Department. No serious task yet today, just a briefing about the whole how Administration & Account work. Very boring I tell you and the Chief here seriously needs to learn to leave his personal problem at home. Ranting about your personal problem in the middle of briefing doesn't seem professional. I really try not to bitch about work but this seriously annoyed me. Showing off and trying to make us impress only made you look even more pathetic that you already are. And no, I won't be thankful when you paid for my beverage. And one more thing, we're not interested to have our morning tea with you. I'm not taking that risk to ruin my day. You disgust us.

Not everything is going wrong for me today. Got my result today and I thank God for that. I'm quite disappointed it didn't reach my target but I'm grateful still. That was my effort after all and I know I could do better. God did answered my prayer and thank you very much for listening.

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